Roads, Lines and Trails
A Car Rally around the Historic Bouchie Lake DistrictROADS, LINES AND TRAILS
A Car Rally around the Historic Bouchie Lake District
May 31st, 2025
A date has been set for our inaugural Car Rally that will take participants around the Bouchie Lake District to explore and learn about our community’s fascinating history – both Indigenous and settler. For those who have not participated in a Car Rally it is essentially a scavenger hunt whereby teams complete tasks and challenges while navigating a route. It is a time event and each team is given an information package with check points, clues, tasks, and some bonus activities. Activities that teams may be asked to do are: find a particular site / feature, visit a local participating business, read a page in a particular book that provides a clue, take a photo of yourself at a particular location, etc.
Hosting and organising a Car Rally takes effort and to be successful requires partners, sponsors, and volunteers. The partners / sponsors could be local businesses or other non-profit organisations who participate by providing a clue, an activity, or a task that the teams must complete. As partner / sponsor, you will receive some promotional benefits by being involved and supporting the event. If you wish to volunteer for a fun, community event, we would welcome your support and involvement.
To learn more, please reach out to
Road Rally Basics and Rules
i) Road Rally, aka Scavenger Hunt using cars, is Saturday, May 31, 2025. Registration information will be posted on
ii) Participants will receive information about the event at time of registration along with a sign, with your team number, which will need to be used in all pictures/videos submitted. Each team will need to have a digital camera and cell phone with text capabilities.
iii) Each task is worth points. The team with the most points at the end of the rally wins.
iv) Some Road Rally tasks deal with strangers… It’s very important to be kind and respectful with strangers, and with that said – always be on guard and stay safe, use your healthy judgment when it comes to people you don’t know.
v) Spending money to acquire items on the list is not required. If you are strategic enough you can complete the Road Rally at a minimal cost! It is discouraged to spend money excessively (especially because most of the fun is being creative on how you get the items on the list).
vi) There must be at least one adult driver for each car.
Road Rally Rules
i) All team members MUST wear seat belts when the car is in motion. If any team member is caught not wearing a seatbelt while the car is in motion, your team will lose 5 points.
ii) It is a timed event but there are no points for speeding and being the fastest. Police can play WITH us, but they should not be after us.
ii) All team members need to stay with their team at all times. You may not split up to “divide” Road Rally tasks or pay or bribe additional individuals to join your team and complete your tasks.
iii) NO harassing citizens, physically or verbally, for items or photographs. It is their right to choose not to help you and you should respect their choice.
iv) Teams must be courteous and respectful to not only citizens, but also their teammates and others involved in the Road Rally.
v) NO BREAKING ANY LAWS! Road Rallies are for fun, but you must do so legally! If your team breaks any laws during the duration of the Road Rally, your team will be disqualified. This includes (but is not limited to) – shoplifting, assault, trespassing, blackmail, bribery, forgery, perjury, fraud, ect.!
vi) If businesses or private individuals lend you items, please note that it is each team’s responsibility to return any borrowed items to their original owners (if requested).
vii) Always play fair. Don’t let your competitive instincts drive you to ruin other people’s chances to win, if you do – your team might be disqualified. This means no cheating, lying, stealing, sabotaging, or copying other people’s work. Sabotaging other teams will result in an automatic disqualification.
viii) Cheaters never win. If anyone on your team cheats or breaks the Road Rally rules, the whole team will be disqualified.
ix) Judges determinations, after the Road Rally, are final