About Us
How We Got Started
The Friends of Bouchie-Milburn Society (also known as “Friends” or “FoBM”) was established in November, 2017 by a group of residents who wanted to give back to our community in a community led, transparent, collaborative, grassroots, and project oriented way. On December 28, 2017, the Friends group adopted the following Mission Statement:
Our Mission
The mission of the Friends of Bouchie – Milburn Society is to support and unite our community and focus our collective energy on desired projects, events and celebrations that improve the health, liveability, education, safety, and welfare of all Bouchie Lake and Milburn Lake residents through inclusion, kindness and collaboration.
The organisation has a membership of approximately 40 and is governed under the BC Societies Act and is an “Ordinary Society”. The membership holds a meeting once per month. Everyone is welcome to attend a meeting. The Board of Directors are the following members:
Chair – Leslie Holland
Vice Chair – vacant
Secretary – Heloise Dixon-Warren
Treasurer – Elaine Ross
Membership Secretary – Elaine Ross
Director at Large – Melody Peck
Director at Large – Peggy Smith
Our constitution as Registered with the BC Registrar under the Societies Act is as follows:
To co-ordinate community events and celebrations that support and improve community livability and engage and empower residents to participate in activities such as but not limited to, community planning, sustainable living, beautification, heritage, safety, parks and green spaces, and markets within the communities of Bouchie Lake and Milburn Lake;
To generate funds and access grant funds which can be used towards the betterment of the community;
To collaborate and partner with other groups, individuals and local businesses;
To share information related to community activities;
To provide advocacy services on governmental matters.
To contact us, please email bouchielakefriends@gmail.com
Many thanks to the following people for the use of their amazing photos of our area on this website!
E. Hay Photography, Peggy Smith, Tasha Campbell, Ayla Kelly, and Dave Sutton.